The Economy Is Starting To Re-Open You Need To Be Prepared!
By otmseo on May 6, 2020

In February 2020 things were “business as usual.” By mid-March New York State had essentially shut down. The new normal was gloves, masks, long lines at supermarkets and fear. Maybe you continued to work from home. Maybe you were furloughed or laid off. March and April were spent figuring out what to do. Did you file for unemployment? Were your hours reduced? Was your compensation reduced? In the mad scramble to adjust to life in the face of the Covid-19 Pandemic, mistakes were made. Now, as the economy begins to come back to life, many questions remain unanswered and you need to be prepared for what happens next.
Here are some things to think about:
⁕ If you were furloughed, did your employer ask you to do any work?
⁕ If you were asked to work from home, did your employer provide you with the necessary equipment and tools to do your job?
⁕ How did your employer handle benefits like health insurance, vacation time and pensions?
⁕ Before New York State ordered all non-essential businesses closed, did you get sick or have to care for someone in your family who had become ill?
⁕ If you are over the age of 55, what happens if your employer decides not to re-hire you?
⁕ If you were working for an essential business, were you provided with the necessary PPE (Personal Protection Equipment)?
⁕ If you were laid off, did your employer pay you for accrued sick or vacation time?
⁕ Were you given notice that your employer intended to furlough you or lay you off? If you were given notice, how much notice was given?
⁕ If your employer chose to retain certain people, what criteria was used?
⁕ Before the Covid-19 Pandemic, were you discriminated against on the basis of your race, sex, sexual orientation or religious beliefs?
⁕ Were you fired, demoted or re-assigned after complaining about your employer or co-workers?
The attorneys at the Massarelli Law Group can help. Please contact us to set up your free initial consultation.